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BOOM - 아케이드

BOOM is an arcade game in the grand tradition, bringing the playability and feel of the glorious 8-bit consoles on the Macintosh.
It can be described as “Bomberman meets Doom”. Actually, I took the basic Bomberman idea and dropped it in a “Super-Deformed Doom” scenario (whatever this means).As a space trooper your mission is to penetrate 8 alien infested areas, each one divided in 10 sub-zones, eliminate all enemies using your bombs and finally kick the Big Alien Boss back to where he came from.

BOOM's main features are:
 • Smooth sprite based animations in 256 colors
 • 8 soundtracks and multi-channel sound effects
 • Simultaneous two players action
 • 80 different levels
 • 10 different enemy characters varying in intelligence and weaponry
 • Mid-game monsters and a final Super Boss
 • Online high scores

BOOM 이라는 아케이드 게임 입니다.
사양도 낮은 맥에서도 무난하게 돌릴 수 있겠네요.

두명이서 같이 플레이 할 수 있고 80개의 다른 난이도가 있습니다.

예전에 오락실에서 하던 그 게임이 생각나는 군요...ㅎ

사용자 삽입 이미지

사용자 삽입 이미지

사용자 삽입 이미지

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